About SH3
The Stannary Hash House Harriers are based around Tavistock and Yelverton, and we are without doubt the best Hash in the PL19/20 postcode. There are other Hash groups available, but none are as much fun or as welcoming as SH3.
In essence SH3 is a social club with a bit of running involved. We meet every Monday evening at a new location (see calendar for details) at 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start. Every hash is followed by drinks and cheesy chips at a local pub.
We welcome all ages and we have runners from as young as 6 to 80 years old (although some do look older). Some of our group are really fit, whilst others are less attractive, but we welcome them all as equals!
2024 Mis-Management Committee
Want to complete your Hash Wardrobe?
We have limited edition SH3 Buffs in Black with white logo. £8.
And.... see Pretty Vacant if you want to get your hands on one of the HASH T-SHIRTS in Pillar Box Red....